

Linyi Xidi Auxiliary Co., LTD. Your trusted partner

As China's leading professional manufacturer of water glass and layered composite water glass, Linyi Xidi Auxiliary Co., Ltd. has always been at the forefront of producing high-quality water glass products for various industrial applications. Sodium silicate, also known as water glass, is a versatile and valuable compound used in industries such as detergents, adhesives, building materials and water treatment.

Sodium silicate is a compound derived from sodium oxide and silica. It is available in both liquid and solid forms, with the solid form often referred to as sodium silicate solid. The solid form is typically characterized by its fine powder or granular structure and is used in applications requiring a dry, easily dispersible form of sodium silicate.

Sodium silicate's versatility makes it a valuable ingredient in many industrial processes. In the detergent industry, sodium silicate is used as a binding agent and buffering agent to help improve the performance and stability of laundry detergents and dishwashing liquids. It also acts as a corrosion inhibitor and alkalinity builder in many industrial cleaning products.

In the construction industry, sodium silicate is used as an adhesive and bonding agent in the production of concrete, mortar and other building materials. Its ability to quickly bond and form a durable waterproof seal makes it an important ingredient in many construction applications.

Additionally, sodium silicate is widely used in water treatment processes due to its coagulation and flocculation properties. It helps remove impurities and contaminants from water, making it suitable for a variety of industrial and municipal water treatment applications.

At Linyi Xidi Auxiliary Co., Ltd., we are proud of the quality and consistency of our sodium silicate products. Our state-of-the-art production facilities and strict quality control measures ensure that our sodium silicate meets the highest industry standards. Whether in liquid or solid form, our sodium silicate products are known for their purity, uniform particle size and excellent dispersion.

In addition to solid sodium silicate, we also specialize in layered composite sodium silicate, which provides enhanced performance and versatility in a variety of applications. Our technical expertise and commitment to innovation allow us to customize sodium silicate products to meet our customers' specific needs and requirements.

We understand the importance of reliable and stable supply of sodium silicate, so we have established a strong distribution network to serve domestic and foreign customers. Our dedicated sales and customer service teams are dedicated to providing personalized support and assistance to ensure our customers receive the right sodium silicate product for their application, delivered on time and at a competitive price.

Linyi Xidi Additives Co., Ltd. focuses on quality, innovation and customer satisfaction, and continues to be a trusted partner for companies seeking high-performance water glass solutions. Whether solid sodium silicate or layered composite sodium silicate, our products provide exceptional value and performance across a variety of industries.

Post time: Jan-11-2024